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if they only exist

I can’t help wandering how it would be if I had a unicorn or pegasus for a pet? I guess it would be great! And when you come into my garden there would be three heads from one body barking at you…What a pitty they’re just myths. But, let’s take a closer look to some of those myth creatures that are most fascinating!

1. Pegasus

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My personal favorite and one of the best known fantastical creatures in Greek mythology.In their mythology, Pegasus is a winged horse, son of Poseidon and Medusa (a monstrous female on whom when gazed upon would turn onlookers into stone). Pegasus is associated originally for carrying thunderbolts for Zeus. He is generally pictured in white, sometimes in golden wings. The Pegasus was a great flyer and so beautiful! Myth says that Pegasus wasn’t immortal, but for his good and long lasting service , Zeus gave him a place in the sky, he transformed him into a constellation.

2. Cerberus or Kerberos

If such a  creature existed, instead of guarding Hades it would be in my garden…maybe in lots of gardens, but I can guarantee three things about it – first, it would hurt really bad if this dog bit you… second, you wouldn’t have to spend much time playing with it, with three heads it’s never boring, and third – it would cost you an arm and a leg to feed this creature icon smile If They Only Exist ! Joking aside, Cerberus is a child of the giant Typhon and Echidna, a monstrous creature herself, being half woman and half snake, therefore Cerberus has a snake’s tail. There were many speculations about his heads – according to Horace, Cerberus possessed one hundred heads. Hesiod wrote that he had fifty, while most sources agree to only three. The center head was in the shape of a lion, while the other two were in the shape of a dog and a wolf, respectively.

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3. Minotaurus

Taking place in lots of video games around the world, Minotaurus has become one of the most popular mythological creature ever! So, for those of who know Minotaurus just from games, here’s a little lecturing on mythology. Minotaurus, as Greek imagined him, was part  human, part bull. He was dwelt as a guardian in the center of the Cretan Labyrinth. The Labyrinth was maze-like and designed as a dwelling for a hideous and cruel being called the Minotaur, a monstrous offspring of Queen Pasiphae, wife of Minos.According to report, the youths and maidens of the Athenian tribute were periodically, one by one, thrust into the Labyrinth, where, after futile wanderings in the undertaking to find an exit, they were finally caught and slain by the Minotaur. Well, I guess that was enough to tickle your curiosity.

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4. Phoenix

Instead of the parrot in a cage, you could have beautiful immortal bird – phoenix. There are many variations about the origin of this mythological creature, some say that it belongs to Egyptian mythology, some put it into Arabian, Greek, even Chinese…considering that it is not real, does it really matter? What is the same in all of mentioned mythologies is that a phoenix is a mythical firebird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. This bird now serves as a metaphore in lots of poems and as a symbol in many coutries, also can be found in video games icon smile If They Only Exist .

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5. Unicorn

For most of people, the most beautiful and the most mysterious fantastic animal. I can’t disagree.With its look like a beautiful white horse with a slender spiral horn growing from its forehrad it looks gorgeus. Just like the Phoenix, the origin of this creature cannot be told for sure. Some say that it’s from Chinese mythology, others say that it’s from Indian…One story says that it acctually existed, but when there was a Great flood, and  Noah gathered two of every kind of animal, he neglected to gather the unicorns, which is why they do not exist today. One can never be sure of it, but I’m sure that it would be great if they exist today, of course not in zoo.

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6. Centaurus

A centaurus is a creature that is half-human, and half horse. Centaurs commonly use bows, and like Minotaurus, they’re very wild. According to the legend, Centaurs are followers of the wine god, ‘Dionysus’, and are very well-known for drunkenness. The exception was a famous Centaur called Chiron who is told to be wise and kind. He also was the only immortal Centaurus. They also got their constellation for good and long lasting service. So ,this monster sounds cool to me, wanna ride the beast?

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7. Cyclop

The origin of this mythological creature is well-known – Greek. This creature, if existed, should look like a giant witth only one eye and sharp fangs…they also allegedly ate people. Many people say that Cyclops Legends started from a Elephant’s skull because of the nose hole in the middle of it’s face (as the big eye), and the tusk of the Elephant (as the fang). So,don’t be fooled when a gigantic one-eyed giant asks you to come to their house and have some tea, because it’s likely that the Cyclops wants to eat you…

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8. Medusa

Again, the Gods played their role… Medusa is known as a Gorgon,a terrifying female creature, born beautiful, but turned into a monster who had snakes insetad of hair, by the Godess Athena. Her gaze could turn whoever she looked upon to stone.Medusa was killed by the hero Perseus with the help of Athena and Hermes. He killed her by cutting of her head and gave it to Athena, who placed it in the center of her Aegis, which she wore over her breastplate. And at the end, I must say that this isn’t exactly a monster I’d like to exist…some maybe would.

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